Frequently asked questions

Yes, our Ready-to-Mix packages are made from exactly the same ingredients as our Ready-to-Smoke products – so you can enjoy an equally enjoyable smoking experience, and you’ll feel like you’ve mixed smoking yourself.

Delivery costs vary depending on circumstances such as location and quantity of product – but you can be sure that we keep our costs as low as possible.

Yes, once your order is shipped, you will receive an email with a link to track your order.

Yes, however, if your order has already been shipped, you may need to wait for delivery and then ship it back before being refunded.

When packaging our products, we take the utmost care to ensure that they arrive in perfect condition. However, if you are not 100% satisfied with your product, contact us and we will replace it for free.

No, by selling exclusively online, we are able to provide excellent services, deliver top quality products while keeping our prices as low as possible. – Exactly as our customers like it.

We accept all leading debit and credit cards as well as direct payments and cash on delivery.

Yes, we give a 10% discount on all first orders. When ordering for the first time, you can order as much as you want, and we will provide you with a full 10% discount.

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